Three steps to eliminate energy vampires lurking in your home

You may not have even realized that energy vampires lurk amidst the playful ghosts and goblins, 但它们确实存在. Energy vampires are appliances that even when turned off use a small amount of electricity. 它们被称为幻载. 

平均, 这些幻影荷载, 也称为备用电源, 可能会消耗你家里的能量, 导致你的账单出现不必要的飙升. 这是一个恶作剧,而不是款待? 

不过别担心, with three simple steps you can turn energy vampires into a Casper the Friendly Ghost, 并开始节省金钱和澳门威尼斯人在任何时间. 



The first step to defeating phantom loads is identifying the energy vampires. An average home has 20 to 40 energy vampires lurking. 一些常见的违规者有 器具和设备 designed to be plugged in continuously in order to maintain settings.

Six common energy vampires you likely have in your home:

1. 手机和平板电脑充电器: Chargers plugged in to outlets continue using energy, even when they aren’t charging your device.
2. 厨房用具: Toaster ovens, coffee makers and microwaves each suck up energy when not in use.
3. 有线或卫星电视机顶盒: Even when powered off, these devices use energy.
4. 电脑: Desktop and laptop computers can zap energy, especially if they aren’t in sleep mode. 所以在不使用的时候关掉它们,拔掉插头. 既然你这么做了, this is a great time to determine if your devices are sufficiently protected against cyber threats. 看看这些 网络安全贴士 to keep you and your devices safe from scammers.
5. 视频游戏机: PlayStation and Xbox consoles use electricity even when they’re not running.
6. 电视: Televisions are likely the biggest energy vampires in your home and continue consuming energy when they’re powered off.



Once you’ve identified the energy vampires, defeating them is simple.

The easiest way to slay energy vampires is by unplugging your appliances when you aren’t using them. 如果你有一群能量吸血鬼, try plugging everything into a power strip that can turn multiple devices on or off at once. 

高级电源插板 are a less labor-intensive way to rid your home of phantom power. 高级电源插板, 或APS, prevent electronics from drawing power when they’re turned off or not in use. You can even find an APS that monitors your activity and turns off devices accordingly.



Even after you’ve identified and defeated the energy vampires, you can continue taking steps to keep the phantom load in your home at bay. 你知道十月也是吗 全国澳门威尼斯人意识月? It's a perfect time to take some steps to make your home more energy efficient.


  • 封住你的家. 密封区域(带绝缘材料), caulking and weather-stripping) that separate the inside from the outside to prevent heat from escaping through the roof, 墙, 门窗. 我们听说,这也能把狼人挡在外面.  
  • 保持炉膛新鲜. Clean your furnace filters monthly and replace them at least once every three months. That way your furnace won’t have to work so hard to keep your home cozy. It’s also a good idea to have a furnace inspection to ensure your appliance is operating efficiently. Better yet, consider signing up for a Service Guard repair plan and adding the inspection. 看看你是否符合条件 免费使用一个月.
  • 换灯泡. Replace incandescent light bulbs with more efficient LED light bulbs to use less wattage and save money. 
  • 让太阳来做这件事吧. Open blinds on all south-facing windows to let the sun naturally heat your home during the day and 关闭 them at night to keep in the warmth. 这也可以防止吸血鬼的入侵. 
  • 扔掉你的纸质账单. 切换到 无纸化计费 减少纸张的使用. 它既简单又方便. 
  • 查看我们的折扣. We have all kinds of programs to help you save money and energy. 看看有没有适合你的.

These energy saving tips are just a piece of our commitment to sustainability and a cleaner energy future. We’ve set climate goals to reduce electric emissions intensity 40% by 2030 and 70% by 2040 and to reduce natural gas emissions intensity 50% by 2035. To date, we’ve seen a 30% reduction in electric emissions and 33% reduction in natural gas emissions. 我们的 可持续发展报告 has more about our commitment to the environment.  

现在你家里没有澳门威尼斯人吸血鬼了, you can sit back with a bowl of candy and enjoy the season. 万圣节快乐! 


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