

For more information about the requirements, download the printable application from the list below.

如果你想在科罗拉多找个承包商, 点击这里.


返利计划 程序信息 可打印应用程序

Black Hills Energy offers Colorado Commercial and Industrial electric customer rebates for some of the most commonly installed efficiency projects.


  • LED照明 & 控制
  • 构造照明
  • 加热 & 冷却系统
  • 制冷 & 热水器 
  • 汽车 & 变频的

更多信息请参见应用程序. If your efficiency upgrade is not on the Qualifying Equipment list on the application, you still may be eligible for a rebate under our Custom or Self-Direct Custom rebate programs.

下载 如果你的项目包括照明,完成照明清单工作簿.


Black Hills Energy is encouraging commercial and industrial facilities to optimize building energy systems and facility operations. Rebates are available for retrocommissioning studies to have an energy advisor assess building energy systems and facility operations and recommend improvements. 该研究必须事先获得批准.

如果项目不符合retro调试计划的标准, you still may be eligible for a rebate under our Prescriptive Program or Custom Program.


澳门威尼斯人公司澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供激励措施, 训练, and energy savings verification to commercial and industrial electric customers for installing energy management systems to control and monitor energy consuming devices, 如照明和暖通空调设备.

如果项目不符合澳门威尼斯人管理系统计划的标准, you still may be eligible for a rebate under our Prescriptive Program or Custom Program.


Black Hills Energy offers Colorado customers with commercial indoor-agricultural and cannabis-related businesses rebates for energy efficient equipment and projects. Qualifying customers will receive a technical energy assessment and a customized proposal on potential energy savings through eligible measure upgrades.


  • 暖通空调调试和更换
  • 商用绝缘升级
  • 高效风机更换
  • 除湿系统安装
  • 泵系统升级
  • 电机更换


  • 增量项目成本的50%或
  • 根据项目规模节省每千瓦时$

Incentives are capped at one-third of he total program incentives per facility for a given program year. 这些回扣的资金是有限的. 申请将以先到先得方式处理. 欲澳门威尼斯人信息,请拨打我们的免费帮助热线 888-567-0799.

下载 或拨打我们的免费帮助热线 888-567-0799.

Black Hills Energy is encouraging commercial and industrial facilities utilizing compressed air equipment to minimize energy use associated with these systems. The Compressed Air Audit Program helps customers address inefficiencies in compressed air systems by encouraging the repair of existing systems and purchase of efficient options for new and replacement systems.


  • 对于最常见的高效选项,可获得规定性回扣. 不需要预先批准.
  • Compressed Air Study Rebates are available for compressed air system studies to analyze the customer’s compressed air system and identify opportunities to reduce leaks and redesign or replace system components. The electric driven compressed air system must have a combined minimum of 10 HP (not including back-up). The customer must repair at least 50% of the air loss due to leaks as identified by the study. 该研究必须事先获得批准.

如果项目不符合压缩空气审计程序的标准, 你仍然有资格根据我们的海关计划获得退税.

下载 澳门威尼斯人信息

The Black Hills Energy Commercial 新建项目 can help identify and implement strategies to make your business energy efficient. 当开始设计建筑时, 将节能方案结合在一起,具有极好的商业意义. Being efficient gives your business a competitive advantage by helping to lower operating costs; allowing you to save money that might otherwise go towards energy bills. 此外,员工将享受更舒适的工作环境.


  • 设计激励机制 - Black Hills Energy contracts with an independent energy design consultant to facilitate design team planning of various energy-saving strategies. A design team incentive is provided to the owner’s team of professionals assisting in the Commercial New Construction program to help offset expenses associates with program participation. The design team payment is a one-time lump sum amount paid to the design team lead and is based on the program track.
  • 建设激励机制 - Construction incentives are paid to the building owner based on the electric savings modeled and verified as installed by Black Hills Energy. 比IECC 2009和ASHRAE 90节能15%以上.在1-2007年期间,才可获得建筑奖励. Incentives are paid to the owner/developer upon receipt of the final energy verification report.

澳门威尼斯人公司鼓励科罗拉多州50岁以下的小型商业客户,000平方英尺购买和安装节能照明, 暖通空调, 还有制冷措施. Qualifying customers will receive an energy evaluation identifying potential energy savings, 直接安装低成本措施, and a customized proposal on potential energy savings through eligible measure upgrades.


  • 暖通空调设备
  • 智能恒温器
  • 制冷
  • 照明
  • 压缩空气设备
  • 电机/变频驱动器

回扣金额- 70%的设备和安装成本. Incentives are capped at one-third of the total program incentives per facility for a given program year. 这些回扣的资金是有限的. 顾客按先到先得的原则服务.

下载 或拨打我们的免费帮助热线 888-567-0799.

Black Hills Energy offers Colorado Commercial and Industrial electric customer rebates for equipment and projects that do not qualify for a prescriptive rebate.


  • 增量项目成本的50%或
  • 根据项目规模节省每千瓦时$

Incentives are capped at one-third of the total program incentives per facility for a given program year.

下载 有关海关退税申请的详情.
大型工业审计项目 呼叫 888-567-0799 澳门威尼斯人信息.  
有利的电气化商业计划 Black Hills Energy offers financial incentives to business customers to convert from natural gas water heating, 空间加热, 设备以高效节能的电气设备为主. 下载

你是否在努力减少非营利组织的每月开支,提高效率? 非营利澳门威尼斯人效率项目在这里澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供帮助. 这一切都始于对您的设施进行免费澳门威尼斯人评估, 我们可以在哪里列出你最好的储蓄机会. 

Your organization may also be eligible for free energy-saving products and rebates for qualifying improvements. 要澳门威尼斯人,看看你的非营利组织是否合格,请澳门威尼斯人 888-391-8702 or BlackHillsIQ@FranklinEnergy.com.



For more information about our Colorado commercial and industrial electric rebates, please call 888-567-0799.


返利计划 程序信息 可打印应用程序
二级电动汽车充电器 Our Ready EV program provides cash rebates to cover a significant portion of the cost of Level 2 electric vehicle charging equipment and installation for commercial customers wanting to install chargers for their employees, 客户和车队.  英语 / 西班牙语
3级/DC快速充电器 请透过电邮联络我们 ReadyEV@blackhillscorp.com for information regarding rebates for 3级/DC快速充电器s including rebate amounts and eligible equipment.  可根据要求澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供

For more information about the Electric Vehicle Charging 返利计划, please email ReadyEV@blackhillscorp.com.